Wednesday, 11 March 2009

My Pro Evolution Soccer disdain

And so I enter into the second month of a Pro Evo free zone. It wasn’t long ago that I was thinking of new formations in my head, on the way to, from, and in school.

Even as I lay in bed I was thinking "4-3-3 with Rosicky on the wing, but could he be a WB?!" In fact it was only last year that I reached the year 2012 on my Master League, players like Pirlo and Gerrard were beginning to retire as Walcott, Benzema and Aguero ruled the world. And Lee Chun Soo, bizarrely. It was a massive part of my life.

And yet, despite not playing for so long, I don’t miss it. Six months ago, this would have been unthinkable, if you’d even mentioned it to me a year ago I would have surely kicked you in the shins before unleashing an uppercut to your fragile chin, but this is the stark truth. And why? Because Pro Evolution 2009 is shit. The kind of shit that smells so bad your brain automatically ignores it, for your own safety. The computer makes horrid decisions for you, the passing is crap, the AI runs lack absolutely any intelligence whatsoever, the transfers are behind, the training mode is awful... it’s appalling. That’s not including the compete disregard for presentation and licensing.

And why else? Because FIFA 2009 (which my flat mate owns) pisses all over it. He also manages to piss all over me, but let’s not get into that. The attention to detail is impeccable. The extra modes, levels and variations on the same concept are untouched by Pro. But most importantly, they’ve finally got the game right. FIFA 2009 feels like proper football. No more 10-9 results, where five bicycle kicks are scored by the same player (thanks for that FIFA 2001 – incidentally, the last FIFA I bought). It’s not perfect, god no, but it is the best football game out there.

There’s about six months until these two giants go to war again. I hope Pro Evolution sorts it shit out, otherwise myself, and many others, will all be moving over to the FIFA bandwagon.

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